Lower Taxes

California taxes are some of the highest in the nation. Like he did on the school board, Andrew will continue to fight to lower taxes like the "mileage tax" which would devastate East County's families. Hayes will start his taxpayer protection initiatives with immediate action to lower the gasoline tax.

Law and Order

Crime is out-of-control in California. We must restore law-and-order to the Golden State and make our streets and communities safe again - starting by ending the practice of secretly dumping Sex Predators in our communities, eliminating Prop 47 & 57, and ensuring law enforcement have the tools they need to keep us safe. That’s why Andrew Hayes backs the blue and they back him. He’s endorsed by every law enforcement association in San Diego County.

Limited Government

Sacramento has grown too big. We need to rein in big government and restore the vision for limited government where individuals take responsibility for their actions and the government operates in a streamlined, cost-effective, and efficient manner. That's why the East County Chamber of Commerce has endorsed Andrew; he has a proven record of supporting small, family-owned businesses and cutting red tape.

Parents Choice in Education

Parents know what’s best for their children - certainly not bureaucrats in Sacramento. That’s why Andrew will take his experience as the pro-parent President of the Lakeside School Board and force Sacramento to get out of our children’s lives and allow parents to raise their children, like it’s supposed to be. Andrew authored the “Parents’ Bill of Rights,” ensuring parents have the final say in their children’s education.

Secure the Border

The federal government is failing in its duty to secure and protect our border. This crisis is causing a flood of fentanyl and crime, and has become a genuine national security threat with the recent apprehension of an Afghan national on the terrorist watch list at the border in San Diego County. If Washington won’t do its job, California should be looking at any and all ways to secure the border and protect our people.


California is in a homelessness crisis and something must be done. In the Assembly, Andrew will call for an immediate requirement that homeless individuals be provided the help they need, or face the consequences for refusing shelter, food, and assistance to get back on their feet.

Make Government Work for the People Again

Andrew Hayes has deep relationships in the district - that’s why over 80 trusted local officials have endorsed him, including Congressman Darrell Issa, Senate Republican Leader Brian Jones, Supervisor Joel Anderson, Supervisor Jim Desmond, County Assessor Jordan Marks, Mayor John Minto, Mayor Bill Wells, and countless other local elected officials and grassroots leaders. Andrew’s other positions can be found here. Andrew is the leader we need to fix California.

Require Voter ID

I support Voter ID laws to make sure our elections are fair and secure. It's common sense to ask for an ID when voting, just like we do for many everyday activities. This simple step helps prevent fraud and ensures that only eligible citizens can vote. Let's protect our democracy with Voter ID laws.